An aluminium film will be placed between the roof tiles and the structure of the roof. This film shall be made of synthetic structure (not paper based) to resist high moisture environment. Its reflective face will be placed up both side and will be of pure aluminium (not metallised) for a radiation reflection higher than 95%..
Property | Test Method | Unit | Results |
Grammage | ISO 536 | g/sqm | 120-190 (+/-5%) |
Tensile – MD and CD | AS 4200.1 | N/50mm | 15±5 |
Elongation – MD and CD | ASTM D 2261 | % | 100±20 |
Force at break – MD and CD | AS 4200.1 | N | 100±20 |
Water Vapour – transmission rate | AS F 1249 | g/m2/day | < 1 |
Emittance of surface Aluminium foil | AS E 408 | % | 97±2 |
Working Temperature Range | AS E 408 | Celsius | -50 to 110’C |
Insulated Aluminium Film is economical solution for a wide range of industrial, manufacturing, packaging and consumer application. Such as for industrial sheds, commercial buildings, home insulation ,under wood or laminated flooring, roof insulation, carpet underlay and construction, packaging material to the sensitive products Other Information